We are very happy to announce, that Pro²Future was successfully funded for another 4+4 years epoch within the COMET programme of FFG.
We convinced the international Jury on June 17, 2024, with a selected Board of Delegates, headed by our Scientific Director, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alois Ferscha.

Board of Delegates: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Kay Römer (Head of Institute ITI at TU Graz, Area Leader Area Cognitive Products), Harald Langeder (CTO Fronius International GmbH, Industry Representative), DI Dr. Ouijdane Guiza (Area Manager Area Orchestration), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alois Ferscha (Scientific Director, Head of Institute IPC at JKU Linz), DI Gerd Hribernig (CEO of Pro2Future GmbH), em.o.Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Reinhold Lang (Focus Expert on Sustainability at Pro²Future, Former Head of Institute IPMT at JKU Linz), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sepp Hochreiter (Scientific Partner at Pro²Future, Head of Institute IML at JKU Linz, Inventor of LSTM), technical support through DI Dr. Markus Jäger (Center Communications Manager and Assistance to the Scientific Director).
Congratulations also to the other four existing and one additional new centre: Battery4Life, FFOQSI, PCCL, SBA-K1 NGC, VRVis!
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