Michael Mayrhofer, researcher in area 2 – Cognitive Robotics and Shop Floors, presented a paper at the european conference on software architectures (ECSA) in Paris. The paper investigates current architectures for control software of manufacturing machines and compares their capability to support changes at runtime. Moreover it presents novel approaches to overcome limitations of current architectures.
The paper is published in Springer Lecture Notes on Computer Science: Michael Mayrhofer, Christoph Mayr-Dorn, Alois Zoitl, Ouijdane Guiza, Georg Weichhart, Alexander Egyed: „Assessing Adaptability of Software Architectures for Cyber Physical Production Systems“

From May 05 to May 09 “The Eleventh International Conference on Advanced Cognitive technologies and Applications” took place in Venice, Italy. Our scientific head Prof. Alois Ferscha and two of our researchers from Area 3, Milot Gashi and Josef Suschnigg, attended at the conference.
Prof. Ferscha presented a scientific work conducted for Area1 titled “Cognitive Products: System Architecture and Operational Principles” and also held an interesting keynote speech “Cognitive IT: The Dawn of the Age of Machine Thinking”. The two researchers of Area 3 presented a position paper conducted together with our industry partners AVL and Fronius in the multi-firm-projects “ConMon” and “GuFeSc”: “Cognitive Decision Support for Industrial Product Life Cycles: A Position Paper”.