On March 8th and 9th, the “OÖ Zukunftsforum” (Upper Austrian Future Forum) focussing on “Nachhaltig an der Spitze” (Sustainability at the Top) took place in voestalpine Stahlwelt Linz.
Pro²Future Scientific Director, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alois Ferscha provided a Keynote Talk about “Products with Cognitive Capabilities – Miniaturized, Embedded AI” (Produkte mit kognitiven Fähigkeiten – Miniaturisierte, eingebettet KI) in the Session Digital Transformation.
Furthermore, Researcher and interim Area Manager of Area 2 (Cognitive Robotics and Shop Floors) Dipl.-Ing. Michael Mayrhofer and JKU-ISSE Junior Researcher Mario Krizic, BSc demonstrated the Factory in a Box Prototype and the Cognitive Welding Helmet.
The program was packed: 45 specialist keynotes and workshops, in which over 400 participants dealt intensively with the topic of sustainability and developed their own ideas, provided variety.
The opening speakers: Landesrat Markus Achleitner, Minister Margarete Schramböck, WKOÖ President Doris Hummer and IV Managing Director Joachim Haindl-Grutsch unanimously saw great opportunities for the location in sustainable development. At the same time, however, they emphasized as a necessary prerequisite that the transformation phase must be designed in such a way that competitiveness is maintained.

Find more information via https://www.biz-up.at/ooe-zukunftsforum-2022 and photos of the event via https://www.cityfoto.at/content/de/fotogalerie/15741